Thursday, February 5, 2015

Housing needs

Very few people will live in the same house all of there life. This week in interior design we've learned how to use olioboard, how to use our blogs, and the housing needs for the different ages of people. Houses are existential for human life, the psychical needs it provides are shelter, sleep, food preparation, storage, and safety. The psychological needs are the feeling of love and belonging somewhere, privacy, creativity, and identity. The life cycle of housing is the stages of life form infancy to old age. For instance when your child you live with your parents, when your turn 18 you move out to go to collage, when your finished with collage you move to maybe an apartment or your first home, and so on.                                          

Age 22
This will fit me when I am 22 because I wont have enough money to get a real house yet. Its kind of a place where all younger people live.
Age 33
This will fit me when I am 33 because I will need to move out of an apartment when I want to start my family. You cant really rise kids in an apartment

Age  42
You will need a bigger house to fit all of your family.  You should be able to move out of your starter house because you've saved enough money to buy a bigger house.

Age 75
Once your this old you move into an apartment again because you don't a big house anyone. All your kids have moved out and theirs less to maintain.

Now you can kind of see that most people do not live in the same house there entire life.

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